Lyctus has been releasing collections for the past 3 years and even prior to releasing “The First Ones“, we’ve known who we are and what we’re here to do. Lyctus holds steadfast to four main pillars: handmade, sustainable, unique, and inclusive.  Our products are: 

  • HANDMADE: Behind any great idea, dream or project there is always a reason, cause or meaning.

Lyctus was born when our desire to make men look attractive and classy, yet feel comfortable  came to life. Then we noticed a lack of swimwear in the industry and we knew that we could do just that: give men the opportunity to feel special and handsome in their swimwear, no matter who they are.

  Every piece is crafted by hand and we make sure to focus on the details; our patterns are cut by hand and colors are carefully picked.

Our designs are especially designed to embrace all shapes and sizes, and all the while we maintain sustainable practices from the material to the packaging.

Every single piece we make is extremely important to us; a minimalist design, sustainable and sleek materials and slow fashion are our signature characteristics.

We are proud to put our hearts into the project to help make a better world.


  • SUSTAINABLE: Just like Poseidon, we like oceans and seas to be clean and blue, which is why we choose the best recycled fabrics.

    For each kilogram of fiber produced, one kilogram of plastic is removed from the ocean. The same quality and properties as the processed virgin polyester and polyamide fibers are kept.


During the production process, 40% less water, 50% less energy are consumed while 60% less CO2 is released into the air. Save the planet, save the beach!


Change starts with you, and it can start here and now. We are moving towards a more conscious approach to protecting our planet.

Our packaging is eco-friendly and we are in the process of testing new and more revolutionary ideas to keep on contributing to this great cause. It’s not just about being trendy. So join us because we are in this together.

  • UNIQUE: Our manufacturing process is unique and focused on the details. Each piece is made by hand and takes time; this gives our customers that extra satisfaction of exclusiveness. There are no two Lyctus alike!

In times when everyone buys their clothing from the same three or four vendors, expressing yourself with your unique clothing is essential. Express and be yourself!


  • INCLUSIVE: It doesn’t matter who you are, at Lyctus we want to include you all; we design our products with each of you in mind and we don’t leave anyone behind.

All men want to look great and feel attractive, so let’s forget about labels. “Accepting yourself for who you are is what beauty is all about.”

Feeling comfortable in your own skin sets you free, and money won’t buy what confidence will provide. There will always be opinions since people can be cruel if they want to, but if we believe in ourselves there is nothing that can stop us.

We will keep on working hard to make a positive change in today’s society regarding the perception of a “good” or “beautiful” body and fight against all types of discrimination: skin color, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.

We are who we are and we should all love and be loved exactly the same way. On Earth, there is room for everybody as they are.

Swimwear collection Aglaea Lyctus

Our mission is unbreakable, our values and standards are stronger than ever, and our existence can’t be minimized to just another swimwear brand because in everything we do art is involved!